Saturday, July 23, 2016

Theme Suite no. 1 Second Take

I wasn't happy with how I mixed this the first time, so I made the following changes:

-more realistic rubato
-smoother, more logical dynamics
-added limiter
-decreased the amount of gain added with the compressor

Overall, I'm much happier with this version.  Still have a lot to learn!

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Theme Suite No. 1

The first of a planned set of four variations based on a single character theme.  This is a simple variation with piano, acoustic guitar, strings and flute.

Working on mastering right now...Seems like it will be an uphill battle, there's a lot to learn!  Advice is appreciated :)

The Gardens Between

Imagine a game in which you can't actually control the characters you are playing - you can only move forwards and backwards in time...