Thursday, September 7, 2017


Tonight, I had an existential crisis.

I think every artist has to go through these on a regular basis.

Somehow this happened as a result, and I won't lie, I'm rather proud of it.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Your Ma Must Be Proud 2017

In March, I had the privilege to debut two original compositions at the "Your Ma Must Be Proud" event, hosted by the Seattle Symphony Ushers.

My friend Janice Robinette, who wrote the poem "Bloodstones", asked me to write accompanying piano music for the poem.  In addition, I debuted "Theme Variation Number 3", which was recorded last year.

Here is the full program below:

The Gardens Between

Imagine a game in which you can't actually control the characters you are playing - you can only move forwards and backwards in time...