-"Before I Go" (directed by Ruchi Loomba)
-"Loose Leaves" (directed by Tim Smith)
-"Kill Your Darlings" (directed by Conner Von Kuetzing)
-"Idiosyncratic" (directed by Pawan K.C.)
-"Earthly" (directed by Isaac Waggoner)
-"Jerad Davis Throws a Dinner Party" (directed by Valerie Royer)
-"Fear In Sanity" (directed by Bianca Malcom)
-"A Crack in the Door" (directed by Tony Tibbetts)
-"Speed Date" (short film created for the 48 Hour Film Festival)
-"The New James Richards Book" (directed by Bilal Young)
-"Mara" (short film created for the 48 Hour Film Festival)
-"Retreat" (short film created for the 48 Hour Film Festival)
-"Moon Sacrifice" (short film created for the 48 Hour Horror Festival)
-"Lean On Me" (directed by David Fowler)