Thursday, August 8, 2019

Fiasco Recording Session


For the past ten months, I have been working on my master's degree in Film Scoring at the Pacific Northwest Film Composing program

This accounts for why there have been no blogs in many moons.  Fortunately, I survived the program and emerged with a degree, so here is a sample of what I've been up to.

The "Fiasco" recording session, as it is fondly known in the program, is the final project for the program.  The students are asked to write a two-three minute "end credits" sequence for a hypothetical film, for a 52 piece orchestra, and then conduct and record it live.

My piece was written for the hypothetical film "Orion", about the legendary Sumerian hunter (passed down to us in the form of the Greek constellation).  It begins with the heroic, sparkling theme of Orion, has a romantic section about his relationship with Artemis (goddess of the hunt), and the returns with a bang to the theme.

This video was recorded and compiled by SFI student Malcolm Frankson, and he did an awesome job.  The final version of the piece was mixed and mastered at Studio X.

Thanks for listening!

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